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Narayaniyam Dashaka 72

kaṃsō'tha nāradagirā vrajavāsinaṃ tvā-
mākarṇya dīrṇahṛdayaḥ sa hi gāndinēyam ।
āhūya kārmukamakhachChalatō bhavanta-
mānētumēnamahinōdahināthaśāyin ॥1॥

kaṃsaḥ-atha - Kansa then; nārada-girā - from Naarada's speech; vrajavāsinaṃ tvāṃ - (who was) residing in Vraja, Thee; ākarṇya - hearing (to be Naaraayana); dīrṇa-hṛdayaḥ - with a fearful heart; sa hi - he (Kansa) indeed; gāndinēyam - the son of Gaandini (Akrura); āhūya - called; kārmuka-makhaḥ-Chalataḥ - (and in) the bow festival (sacrifice) pretext; bhavantam-ānētum- - Thee to bring; ēnam-ahinōt- - him (Akrura) sent; ahināthaśāyin - O Lord resting on the king of serpents;

Then when Kansa came to know from Naarada that, Thou, O Lord! resting on the serpent king! Were residing in Vraja, his heart was full of fear. He called for Akrur, the son of Gaandini, and sent him for Thee under the pretext of inviting Thee to witness the bow worshipping festival.

akrūra ēṣa bhavadaṅghriparaśchirāya
tvaddarśanākṣamamanāḥ kṣitipālabhītyā ।
tasyājñayaiva punarīkṣitumudyatastvā-
mānandabhāramatibhūritaraṃ babhāra ॥2॥

akrūra ēṣa - this Akrura; bhavat-aṅghri-paraḥ- - Thy feet devoted to; chirāya - since long; tvat-darśana-akṣama-manāḥ - Thy seeing impossible, thinking; kṣitipāla-bhītyā - because of the king's (Kansa's) fear; tasya-ājñayā-ēva - by his (king's) orders only; punaḥ- - again; īkṣitum-udyataḥ-tvām- - to see (Thee) preparing, Thee; ānanda-bhāram-ati- - with the joy full and intense; bhūritaraṃ - very highly; babhāra - felt;

This Akrura for long was Thy devotee. Owing to the fear of Kansa he felt it was impossible to see Thee. Now he was overwhelmed with intense joy when by the order of the king himself he was preparing to see and meet Thee.

sō'yaṃ rathēna sukṛtī bhavatō nivāsaṃ
gachChan manōrathagaṇāṃstvayi dhāryamāṇān ।
āsvādayan muhurapāyabhayēna daivaṃ
samprārthayan pathi na kiñchidapi vyajānāt ॥3॥

sa-ayaṃ - he this; rathēna - by a chariot; sukṛtī - the doer of meritorious deeds; bhavataḥ nivāsaṃ - to Thy abode; gachChan - (while) going; manōratha-gaṇān- - thoughts innumerable; tvayi dhāryamāṇān - in Thee placing; āsvādayan muhuḥ- - (and) experiencing again and again; apāya-bhayēna daivaṃ - obstacles fear, to God; samprārthayan pathi - fervently praying, on the way; na kiñchit-api - did not anything at all; vyajānat - notice;

This doer of meritorious deed, Akrura, travelled in a chariot to Thy abode. On the way his innumerable thoughts were centered around Thee and so he again and again experienced Thy presence. He feared and fervently prayed for the removal of all possible obstacles to this meeting with Thee and so he did not notice anything on the way.

drakṣyāmi vēdaśatagītagatiṃ pumāṃsaṃ
sprakṣyāmi kiṃsvidapi nāma pariṣvajēyam ।
kiṃ vakṣyatē sa khalu māṃ kvanu vīkṣitaḥ syā-
ditthaṃ nināya sa bhavanmayamēva mārgam ॥4॥

drakṣyāmi - will see; vēda-śata-gīta-gatiṃ - in the Vedas (of whom) hundreds of hymns (are sung) that goal; pumāṃsaṃ - the Great One; sprakṣyāmi - will touch; kiṃsvit-api - slightly even; nāma pariṣvajēyam - will at all embrace; kiṃ vakṣyatē - what will he say; sa khalu māṃ - he indeed to me; kvanu vīkṣitaḥ syāt - where seen will he be; itthaṃ nināya - in this manner, carrying along; sa bhavanmayam-ēva - he (Akrura) immersed in Thee only; mārgam - in the way (went);

All along the way he was immersed in Thy thoughts alone - 'Shall I be blessed to meet the Supreme Being who is the subject of all Vedic hymns? Will I be able to touch him even slightly? Will he embrace me? What will he say to me? Where will I see him?' He went along the way thinking in this manner.

bhūyaḥ kramādabhiviśan bhavadaṅghripūtaṃ
vṛndāvanaṃ haraviriñchasurābhivandyam ।
ānandamagna iva lagna iva pramōhē
kiṃ kiṃ daśāntaramavāpa na paṅkajākṣa ॥5॥

bhūyaḥ kramāt- - again gradually; abhiviśan - entering; bhavat-aṅghri-pūtam - by Thy feet purified; vṛndāvanam - Vrindaavana; har-viriñcha-sura- - by Shiva Brahma and other gods; abhivandyam - honoured; ānanda-magna iva - in bliss immersed as if; lagna iva pramōhē - under as if a spell; kiṃ kiṃ - what what; daśāntaram- - states (of ecstasy); avāpa na - attain not (he); paṅkajākṣa - O Lotus Eyed One!;

O Lotus Eyed One! He gradually entered Vrindaavana which is sanctified by Thy feet and revered by Shiva, Brahma and other gods. As Akrura approached Vrindaavana he was as if immersed in bliss or was under a spell. What states of ecstasy did he not attain!

paśyannavandata bhavadvihṛtisthalāni
pāṃsuṣvavēṣṭata bhavachcharaṇāṅkitēṣu ।
kiṃ brūmahē bahujanā hi tadāpi jātā
ēvaṃ tu bhaktitaralā viralāḥ parātman ॥6॥

paśyan-avandata - seeing, he prostrated; bhavat-vihṛti-sthalāni - Thy sporting places; pāṃsuṣu-avēṣṭata - in the dust rolled; bhavat-charaṇa-aṅkitēṣu - by Thy feet (which was) marked; kiṃ brūmahē - what shall I say; bahujanā hi - many people indeed; tadāpi jātā - at that time also were born; ēvaṃ tu - like this, but; bhaktitaralāḥ - devotees intense; viralāḥ - were few; parātman - O Lord!;

O Lord! Coming to the places where Thou sported, he prostrated. He rolled in the dust which had imprints of Thy feet. O what shall I say! His state is beyond description. At that time also many devotees were born but such ardent devotees were few indeed.

sāyaṃ sa gōpabhavanāni bhavachcharitra-
gītāmṛtaprasṛtakarṇarasāyanāni ।
paśyan pramōdasaritēva kilōhyamānō
gachChan bhavadbhavanasannidhimanvayāsīt ॥7॥

sāyaṃ sa - at dusk, he (Akrura); gōpa-bhavanāni - (from) the Gopa houses; bhavat-charitra- - Thy doings; gīta-amṛta-prasṛta- - sung (like) nectar flowing; karṇa-rasāyanāni - for the ears, feast (like); paśyan - seeing; pramōda-saritā-iva - bliss river like; kila-uhyamānaḥ - indeed carried away; gachChan bhavat- - going, Thy; bhavana-sannidhim- - abodes near to; anvayāsīt - reached;

Akrura reached the vicinity of Thy residence by dusk. He passed by the houses of the Gopas from where flowed the soothing to the ear, nectar like strains sung about Thy sportive deed. Seeing this he was as though carried away and caught in the current of a river of bliss and spiritual joy.

tāvaddadarśa paśudōhavilōkalōlaṃ
bhaktōttamāgatimiva pratipālayantam ।
bhūman bhavantamayamagrajavantamanta-
rbrahmānubhūtirasasindhumivōdvamantam ॥8॥

tāvat-dadarśa - then (he) saw; paśu-dōha- - the cows milked; vilōka-lōlaṃ - watching eagerly; bhakta-uttama-āgatim- - the great devotee,s coming; iva pratipālayantam - as if awaiting; bhūman - O Infinite Lord!; bhavantam-ayam- - Thee, this (Akrura); agrajavantam- - with (Thy) elder brother (saw); antaḥ-brahma-anubhūti- - (his own) internal Brahmic experiences'; rasa-sindhum-iva-udvamantam - nectar ocean as if flowing (outwardly);

O Infinite Lord! Then Akrura saw Thee with Thy elder brother Balaraam, eagerly watching the milking of the cows, and it seemed like Thou were awaiting the arrival of a great devotee (Akrura himself). It was as if Akrura's internal Brahmic experience was flowing outwardly like a nectar ocean personified as Thee.

dvau pītanīlaruchirāmbaralōbhanīyau ।
mandasmitārdravadanau sa yuvāṃ dadarśa ॥9॥

sāyantana-āplava - the evening bath; viśēṣa-vivikta- - well cleaned; gātrau dvau - bodied both (in); pīta-nīla- - yellow and blue; ruchira-ambara- - beautiful garments; lōbhanīyau - attractive; na-ati-prapañcha- - not very clustered; dhṛta-bhūṣaṇa - wearing ornaments; chāru-vēṣau - charming appearance; mand-smita- - soft smiling; ārdra-vadanau - gentle faced; sa - he (Akrura); yuvāṃ dadarśa - Thou two saw;

Akrura saw Thee and Balaraam, both neat and tidy after the evening bath, dressed in beautiful yellow and blue garments, wearing a few ornaments and looking charming in appearance. A soft smile played on Thy gentle faces.

dūrādrathātsamavaruhya namantamēna-
mutthāpya bhaktakulamaulimathōpagūhan ।
harṣānmitākṣaragirā kuśalānuyōgī
pāṇiṃ pragṛhya sabalō'tha gṛhaṃ ninētha ॥10॥

dūrāt-rathāt- - from afar, from the chariot; samavaruhya - getting down; namantam-ēnam- - (who was) prostrating, him; utthāpya - lifting up; bhaktakula-mauliṃ- - the devotee clan's crown (Akrura); atha-upagūhan - then embracing; harṣāt- - joyfully; mita-akṣara-girā - with few words speech; kuśala-anuyōgī - welfare enquiring; pāṇiṃ pragṛhya - (his) hands taking; sabalaḥ- atha - with Balaraam, then; gṛhaṃ ninētha - to the house led;

The crown of the devotees Akrura got down from the chariot. Thou lifted him up in great joy as he prostrated before Thee. Thou embraced him and in a few words enquired about his wellbeing. Holding his hand Thou and Balaraam led him to Thy house.

nandēna sākamamitādaramarchayitvā
taṃ yādavaṃ taduditāṃ niśamayya vārtām ।
gōpēṣu bhūpatinidēśakathāṃ nivēdya
nānākathābhiriha tēna niśāmanaiṣīḥ ॥11॥

nandēna sākam- - Nanda, along with (Thou); ati-ādaram- - very respectfully; archayitvā - honoured; taṃ yādavaṃ - him, the Yaadava (Akrura); tat-uditāṃ - by him said; niśamayya vārtām - hearing the message; gōpēṣu - to the Gopas; bhūpati-nidēśa-kathāṃ - the king's command news; nivēdya - communicating; nānā-kathābhiḥ- - by various talks; iha tēna - here with him; niśām-anaiṣīḥ - the night (Thou) spend;

With Nanda Gopa Thou very respectfully honoured the Yaadava Akrura and listened to the message of his mission. Thou communicated to the Gopas about the news of the king's command. That night Thou spent conversing with Akrura on various matters.

chandrāgṛhē kimuta chandrabhagāgṛhē nu
rādhāgṛhē nu bhavanē kimu maitravindē ।
dhūrtō vilambata iti pramadābhiruchchai-
rāśaṅkitō niśi marutpuranātha pāyāḥ ॥12॥

chandrā gṛhē - in Chandraa's house; kimuta - or; chandrabhagā gṛhē - in Chandrabhaagaa's house; nu - is it so; rādhā gṛhē nu - or in Raadhaa's house is it; kimu maitravindē - or in Mitravrindaa's; dhūrtaḥ vilambatē - the rascal (Krishna) is tarrying; iti pramadābhiḥ- - thus by the ladies; uchchaiḥ āśaṅkitaḥ - greatly suspected; niśi - in the night; marutpuranātha - O Lord of Guruvaayur!; pāyāḥ - protect me;

That night Thou failed to meet the Gopikas. The ladies suspected that the rascal that Thou were may be tarrying in the house of Chandra, or Chandrabhaagaa, or Raadhaa or Mitravrindaa, in the night. O Lord of Guruvaayur! Protect me.

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