इंद्रद्युम्नः पांड्यखंडाधिराज-
स्त्वद्भक्तात्मा चंदनाद्रौ कदाचित् ।
त्वत् सेवायां मग्नधीरालुलोके
नैवागस्त्यं प्राप्तमातिथ्यकामम् ॥1॥
इंद्रद्युम्नः - Indradyumna; पांड्य-खंड-अधिराजः- - of Paandya land, the king; त्वत्-भक्त-आत्मा - Thy great devotee; चंदन-आद्रौ - on the Malayaa mountain; कदाचित् - once upon a time; त्वत् सेवायां मग्न-धीः - in Thy worship, entirely absorbed; आलुलोके न-एव- - did not even notice; अगस्त्यं प्राप्तम्- - sage Agastya approaching; आतिथ्यकामम् - (who was) expecting hospitality;
Indradyumna, Thy great devotee and the king of Paandya land was once engrossed in worshipping Thee on the Malaya mountain. He was so absorbed that he did not even notice sage Agastya who approached expecting his hospitality.
कुंभोद्भूतिः संभृतक्रोधभारः
स्तब्धात्मा त्वं हस्तिभूयं भजेति ।
शप्त्वाऽथैनं प्रत्यगात् सोऽपि लेभे
हस्तींद्रत्वं त्वत्स्मृतिव्यक्तिधन्यम् ॥2॥
कुंभोद्भूतिः - Agastya; संभृत-क्रोध-भारः - (who was) overcome with anger (said); स्तब्ध-आत्मा त्वं - you of such haughty nature; हस्तिभूयं भज-इति - be born as a elephant, thus; शप्त्वा-अथ-एनं - then cursing him; प्रत्यगात् - departed; सः-अपि लेभे - he also got; हस्ति-इंद्रत्वं - the form of a lordly elephant; त्वत्-स्मृति-व्यक्ति-धन्यम् - with the good fortune of retaining a clear memory of Thee;
Agastya who was overcome with anger cursed the king that as he was of such haughty nature he would be born as an elephant and departed. Indradyumna got the form of a lordly elephant with the good fortune of retaining a clear memory of Thee.
दग्धांभोधेर्मध्यभाजि त्रिकूटे
क्रीडंछैले यूथपोऽयं वशाभिः ।
सर्वान् जंतूनत्यवर्तिष्ट शक्त्या
त्वद्भक्तानां कुत्र नोत्कर्षलाभः ॥3॥
दुग्ध-अंभोधेः-मध्य-भाजि - of the milk ocean's middle part; त्रिकूटे क्रीडन्-शैले - on the Trikoota mountain sporting; यूथपः-अयं वशाभिः - this leader of the elephants, with females (elephants); सर्वान् जंतून्-अत्यवर्तिष्ट - all creatures excelling; शक्त्या - in strength; त्वत्-भक्तानां - Thy devotees; कुत्र न- - where not; उत्कर्ष-लाभः - (do they) inherit greatness?;
On the Trikoota mountain, which is in the centre of the milk ocean, this leader of the elephants sported with female elephants excelling all other creatures in strength. Where don’t Thy devotees attain superiority?
स्वेन स्थेम्ना दिव्यदेशत्वशक्त्या
सोऽयं खेदानप्रजानन् कदाचित् ।
शैलप्रांते घर्मतांतः सरस्यां
यूथैस्सार्धं त्वत्प्रणुन्नोऽभिरेमे ॥4॥
स्वेन स्थेम्ना - of his own strength; दिव्य-देशत्व-शक्त्या - (and) by the power of that divine region; सः-अयं - he this (elephant king); खेदान्-अप्रजानन् - any difficulties of life not knowing; कदाचित् - one day; शैल-प्रांते - in the slopes of the hills (roaming about); घर्म-तांतः - overwhelmed by sun's heat; सरस्यां यूथैः-सार्धम् - in a lake with his herds; त्वत्-प्रणुन्नः- - prompted by Thee; अभिरेमे - sported;
Owing to his strength and by the power of the divine region, where he lived, the elephant king did not face any hardships of life. One day, roaming on the mountainous region, unable to bear the heat of the sun, he sought relief in a lake and sported therein with his herds, indeed prompted by Thee.
हूहूस्तावद्देवलस्यापि शापात्
ग्राहीभूतस्तज्जले बर्तमानः ।
जग्राहैनं हस्तिनं पाददेशे
शांत्यर्थं हि श्रांतिदोऽसि स्वकानाम् ॥5॥
हूहूः-तावत्- - then Huhu (the Gandarva); देवलस्य-अपि शापात् - by sage Devala's curse, also; ग्राहीभूतः- - a crocodile having become; तत्-जले वर्तमानः - in the waters of the same ( lake) living; जग्राह-एनं हस्तिनम् - (he) caught this elephant; पाद्-देशे - by the leg; शांति-अर्थं हि - for the welfare indeed; श्रांतिदः-असि - sufferings giver are Thou; स्वकानाम् - to Thy devotees;
At that time, in the waters of that lake, there lived a Gandarva named Huhu, who had become a crocodile because of the curse of sage Devala. He caught the elephant king by the leg. Indeed Thou do give sufferings to Thy devotees for their ultimate welfare.
त्वत्सेवाया वैभवात् दुर्निरोधं
युध्यंतं तं वत्सराणां सहस्रम् ।
प्राप्ते काले त्वत्पदैकाग्र्यसिध्यै
नक्राक्रांतं हस्तिवर्यं व्यधास्त्वम् ॥6॥
त्वत्-सेवायाः वैभवात् - by Thy worship's glory; दुर्निरोधं युध्यंतं तं - continuously fighting him (who was); वत्सराणां सहस्रम् - for a thousand years; प्राप्ते काले - when the time had come (for his redemption); त्वत्-पद-एकाग्र्य-सिध्यै - to Thy feet for attaining one-pointed devotion; नक्र-आक्रांतं हस्तिवर्यं - who was attacked by the crocodile, that elephant king; व्यधाः-त्वम् - made it happen (thus) Thou;
Supported by the power derived from the glory of Thy worship, the elephant king was invincible and went on fighting for a thousand years. When the time for his redemption had come, and he was fit for one-pointed devotion to Thee, Thou subjected him to this situation.
शुंडोत्क्षिप्तैः पुंडरीकैः समर्चन् ।
पूर्वाभ्यस्तं निर्विशेषात्मनिष्ठं
स्तोत्रं श्रेष्ठं सोऽन्वगादीत् परात्मन् ॥7॥
आर्ति-व्यक्त- - under the stress of suffering, unfolded; प्राक्तन-ज्ञान-भक्तिः - the knowledge and devotion which he attained in previous life; शुंड-उत्क्षिप्तैः - plucked with his trunk; पुंडरीकैः समर्चन् - with white lotus flowers he worshipped Thee; पूर्व-अभ्यस्तं - and learnt before (in the past life); निर्विशेष-आत्म-निष्ठं - pertaining to the attributeless Aatman; स्तोत्रं श्रेष्ठं - a great hymn; सः-अन्वगादीत् - he sang and sang; परात्मन् - O Supreme being!;
Under the stress of suffering, his inherent devotion and pure knowledge unfolded and he began to offer Thee worship with white lotus flowers plucked with his trunk. Relating to the attributeless Brahman, he sang continuously a great hymn which he had learnt in the past life.
श्रुत्वा स्तोत्रं निर्गुणस्थं समस्तं
ब्रह्मेशाद्यैर्नाहमित्यप्रयाते ।
सर्वात्मा त्वं भूरिकारुण्यवेगात्
तार्क्ष्यारूढः प्रेक्षितोऽभूः पुरस्तात् ॥8॥
श्रुत्वा स्तोत्रं - hearing the hymn; निर्गुणस्थं समस्तं - to the attributeless Aatman relating fully; ब्रह्म-ईश-आद्यैः - by Brahmaa Shiva and others (deciding); न-अहम्-इति-अप्रयाते - (this) is not for me, and so not responding; सर्व-आत्मा त्वं - who are the soul of all beings, Thou; भूरि-कारुण्य-वेगात् - out of infinite compassion; तार्क्ष्य-आरूढः - mounting Garuda; प्रेक्षितः-अभूः पुरस्तात् - appeared in front of him;
On hearing the hymn, Brahmaa, Shiva and other gods did not proceed towards the elephant king, as they felt that the hymn was not addressed to them. The Soul of All Beings! Thou moved by boundless flow of mercy, mounted the Garuda and appeared in front of him.
हस्तींद्रं तं हस्तपद्मेन धृत्वा
चक्रेण त्वं नक्रवर्यं व्यदारीः ।
गंधर्वेऽस्मिन् मुक्तशापे स हस्ती
त्वत्सारूप्यं प्राप्य देदीप्यते स्म ॥9॥
हस्ती-इंद्रं तं - that elephant king; हस्त-पद्मेन धृत्वा - with Thy lotus hands catching hold of; चक्रेण त्वं नक्रवर्यं व्यदारीः - with the discus,Thou, the great crocodile, tore asunder; गंधर्वे-अस्मिन् मुक्त-शापे - (when) the Gandarva was released from the curse; स हस्ती - that elephant king; त्वत्-सारूप्यं प्राप्य - a form similar to Thine, attaining; देदीप्यते स्म - shone brightly;
Thou with Thy lotus hands caught hold of that elephant king and cut asunder the powerful crocodile with Thy discus. The crocodile was thus released from the curse of sage Devala and got back his Gandharva form. The elephant was, by Thee, then endowed with a brilliant form similar to Thy from.
एतद्वृत्तं त्वां च मां च प्रगे यो
गायेत्सोऽयं भूयसे श्रेयसे स्यात् ।
इत्युक्त्वैनं तेन सार्धं गतस्त्वं
धिष्ण्यं विष्णो पाहि वातालयेश ॥10॥
एतत्-वृत्तं - this incident; त्वां च मां च - to you and to me; प्रगे यः गायेत् - at dawn, he who sings; सः-अयं भूयसे श्रेयसे स्यात् - he will attain the greatest good -i.e., liberation; इति-उक्त्वा-एनं - saying thus to him; तेन सार्धं गतः-त्वं धिष्ण्यं - with him Thou went away to Vaikuntha; विष्णो पाहि - O Vishnu! Protect me; वातालयेश - O Lord of Guruvaayur!;
"He who praises you and Me with the recital of these incidents will attain liberation". O Vishnu, Thou said thus to him and then along with him departed to Thy abode Vaikuntha. O Lord of Guruvaayur! May Thou be pleased to protect me.
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