पृथोस्तु नप्ता पृथुधर्मकर्मठः
प्राचीनबर्हिर्युवतौ शतद्रुतौ ।
प्रचेतसो नाम सुचेतसः सुता-
नजीजनत्त्वत्करुणांकुरानिव ॥1॥
पृथोः-तु नप्ता - Prithu's great grand son; पृथु-धर्म-कर्मठः - intensely performing righteous deeds; प्राचीनबर्हिः- - named Praacheenbarhi; युवतौ शतद्रुतौ - through young Shatadruti; प्रचेतसः नाम - by the name of Prachetas; सुचेतसः सुतान्- - pure minded sons (ten); अजीजनत्- - gave birth to; त्वत्-करुणा-अंकुरान्-इव - like sprouts of Thy compassion embodied;
Prithu's great grand son Praacheenbarhis, who was reputed for his undertakings for the good of the world had the young lady Shatadruti for his wife. From her, as though sprouts of Thy compassion ,ten noble minded sons were born to him known by the group name of Prachetas.
पितुः सिसृक्षानिरतस्य शासनाद्-
भवत्तपस्याभिरता दशापि ते
पयोनिधिं पश्चिममेत्य तत्तटे
सरोवरं संददृशुर्मनोहरम् ॥2॥
पितुः सिसृक्षा-निरतस्य - the father who was intent on creation; शासनात्- - by his direction; भवत्-तपस्या-अभिरता दश-अपि ते - those ten engrossed upon meditating on Thee; पयोनिधिं पश्चिमम्-एत्य - going to the western sea; तत्-तटे सरोवरं संददृशुः- - on its shore saw a lake; मनोहरं - beautiful;
Commanded by their father to multiply the species, these ten brothers, being firm believers in the importance of Thy worship, went to the western sea to meditate. On the shore of that sea they saw a beautiful lake.
तदा भवत्तीर्थमिदं समागतो
भवो भवत्सेवकदर्शनादृतः ।
प्रकाशमासाद्य पुरः प्रचेतसा-
मुपादिशत् भक्ततमस्तव स्तवम् ॥3॥
तदा भवत्-तीर्थम्-इदम् - then this Thy holy lake; समागतः भवः - frequented by Shiva; भवत्-सेवक-दर्शन-आदृतः - eager to see Thy devotees; प्रकाशम्-आसाद्य - manifested himself; पुरः प्रचेतसाम्- - before the Prachetas; उपादिशत् - and taught; भक्ततमः- - (himself) a great devotee to (Thee); तव स्तवं - Thy great hymn;
Then, Thy greatest devotee, Lord Shiva who is always eager to see Thy devotees, came to this holy lake of Thine and appearing before the Prachetaas, taught them a great hymn in praise of Thee.
स्तवं जपंतस्तममी जलांतरे
भवंतमासेविषतायुतं समाः ।
बभूव कालो ध्रुववन्न शीघ्रता ॥4॥
स्तवं जपंतः-तम्-अमी - that hymn singing, these (Prachetaas); जल-अंतरे - in the water; भवंतम्-आसेविषत- - on Thee meditated; अयुतं समाः - for ten thousand years; भवत्-सुख-आस्वाद्-रसात्- - because of the joy they were experiencing in meditating on Thee; अमीषु- - for them; इयान् बभूव कालः - such a long time passed; ध्रुववत्-न शीघ्रता - like Dhruva it did not happen quickly;
These devotees chanting the hymn, spent ten thousand years in water, in Thy worship and meditation on Thee. For the attainment of the bliss of Thy realisation, they had to spend this long period in austerities unlike Dhruva who got it very quickly.
स यज्ञहिंसानिरतोऽपि पावितः ।
पिताऽपि तेषां गृहयातनारद-
प्रदर्शितात्मा भवदात्मतां ययौ ॥5॥
तपोभिः-एषाम्- - by their penance; अति-मात्र-वर्धिभिः - which was increasing in intensity; स यज्ञ-हिंसा-निरतः-अपि - he, though engaged in killing animals for the sacrifices; पावितः - became purified; पिता-अपि तेषां - (he) their father; गृहयात-नारद- - (to whose) house Naarada went; प्रदर्शित-आत्मा - (from Naarada) obtaining the knowledge of Aatman; भवत्-आत्मतां ययौ - attained to Thee;
By the increasing strength of their penance, their father Praacheenbarhis also became purified who had slain many animals in the sacrificial fires. Naarada who had gone to his house, gave him the knowledge of Aatman by which he attained a form like Thine.
कृपाबलेनैव पुरः प्रचेतसां
प्रकाशमागाः पतगेंद्रवाहनः ।
विराजि चक्रादिवरायुधांशुभि-
र्भुजाभिरष्टाभिरुदंचितद्युतिः ॥6॥
कृपा-बलेन-एव - by Thy compassion alone; पुरः प्रचेतसां - before the Prachetas; प्रकाशम्-आगाः - Thou manifested Thyself; पतगेंद्र-वाहनः - having Garuda as vehicle; विराजि चक्र-आदि-वर-आयुध-अंशुभिः- - lustrous by the resplendent discus and other divine weapons; भुजाभिः-अष्टाभिः- - glorious with eight arms; उदंचित-द्युतिः - spreading lustre;
By virtue of Thy compassion alone, Thou appeared before the Prachetas. Thou were seated on Thy vehicle Garuda, having eight arms, holding the resplendent discus and other divine weapons and spreading lustre all around.
प्रचेतसां तावदयाचतामपि
त्वमेव कारुण्यभराद्वरानदाः ।
भवद्विचिंताऽपि शिवाय देहिनां
भवत्वसौ रुद्रनुतिश्च कामदा ॥7॥
प्रचेतसां तावत्- - to the Prachetas, then; अयाचताम्-अपि - though unsought for; त्वम्-एव कारुण्य-भरात्- - Thou Thyself out of infinite compassion; वरान्-अदाः - gave boons; भवत्-विचिंता-अपि - even the thought of Thee; शिवाय देहिनां भवतु- - may be for the benefit of the humans; असौ रुद्रनुतिः-च - this Rudra hymn also; कामदा (भवतु) - may be a fulfiller of desires;
Out of Thy infinite compassion, Thou gave the Prachetas boons,even without their asking. May even Thy thought be for the benefit of the humans and confer welfare on them, and may the Rudra hymn be the fulfiller of all desires.
अवाप्य कांतां तनयां महीरुहां
तया रमध्वं दशलक्षवत्सरीम् ।
सुतोऽस्तु दक्षो ननु तत्क्षणाच्च मां
प्रयास्यथेति न्यगदो मुदैव तान् ॥8॥
अवाप्य कांतां - getting as wife; तनयां महीरुहां - the daughter of the trees; तया रमध्वं - with her enjoy; दशलक्ष-वत्सरीम् - for ten lakhs of years; सुतः-अस्तु दक्षः - may you have a son named Daksha; ननु तत्-क्षणात्- - immediately then; च मां प्रयास्यथ-इति - attain me also, thus; न्यगदः - saying so; मुदा-एव तान् - pleasingly to them;
Being highly pleased with the Prachetas Thou blessed them that they would get the daughter of the trees as their wife. They would lead a happy life with her for ten lakh of years. Also that they would have a son named Daksha and soon thereafter they would attain Thee.
ततश्च ते भूतलरोधिनस्तरून्
क्रुधा दहंतो द्रुहिणेन वारिताः ।
द्रुमैश्च दत्तां तनयामवाप्य तां
त्वदुक्तकालं सुखिनोऽभिरेमिरे ॥9॥
ततः-च ते - then they (the trees); भू-तल-रोधिनः-तरून् - which were covering the whole surface of the earth, the trees,; क्रुधा दहंतः - burning (the trees) in anger; द्रुहिणेन वारिताः - were stopped by Brahmaa; द्रुमैः-च दत्तां तनयाम्- - the trees gave their daughter; अवाप्य तां - (they) getting her; त्वत्-उक्त-कालं - for the duration mentioned by Thee; सुखिनः-अभिरेमिरे - they lived happily;
Then the Prachetas who were angered by the dense growth of the trees which were covering the surface of the whole earth and causing obstruction, started to burn them. They were dissuaded by Brahmaa to do so. Obligingly the trees gave them their daughter in marriage and they lived with her happily for the time specified by Thee.
अवाप्य दक्षं च सुतं कृताध्वराः
प्रचेतसो नारदलब्धया धिया ।
अवापुरानंदपदं तथाविध-
स्त्वमीश वातालयनाथ पाहि माम् ॥10॥
अवाप्य दक्षं च सुतं - and getting the son named Daksha; कृत-अध्वराः - (and) having performed Brahma Satra; प्रचेतसः - the Prachetas; नारद-लब्धया धिया - with the knowledge received from Naarada; अवापुः-आनंद-पदं - attained the state of bliss; तथा-बिधः-त्वम्- - Thou who are thus; ईश - O Lord!; वातालयनाथ - Lord of Guruvaayur!; पाहि माम् - protect me.;
After begetting the son Daksha and performing several sacrificial rites and having received the highest knowledge from Naarada they attained liberation. O Lord! O Lord of Guruvaayur! Who are of such merciful nature, grant protection to me.
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