स्फुरत्परानंदरसात्मकेन त्वया समासादितभोगलीलाः ।
असीममानंदभरं प्रपन्ना महांतमापुर्मदमंबुजाक्ष्यः ॥1॥
स्फुरत्-परानंद- - resplendent of the supreme bliss; रसात्मकेन - and the pure Essence embodied; त्वया - with Thee (who were); समासादित- - made to participate; भोगलीलाः - in the pleasant sport; असीमम्- - (in) boundless; आनंदभरं - bliss (being); प्रपन्ना महांतम्- - immersed (they), great; आपुः-मदम्- - acquired pride; अंबुज-आक्ष्यः - the lotus eyed (damsels);
The lotus eyed damsels were allowed to participate in the pleasant sport with Thee, the very pure embodied essence of the resplendent supreme bliss. They were immersed in boundless bliss and so they fell victim to great pride and self importance.
निलीयतेऽसौ मयि मय्यमायं रमापतिर्विश्वमनोभिरामः ।
इति स्म सर्वाः कलिताभिमाना निरीक्ष्य गोविंद् तिरोहितोऽभूः ॥2॥
निलीयते- - is engrossed; असौ मयि - this (Krishna) in me; मयि-अमायं - in me, without doubt; रमापतिः- - the Consort of Laxmi,; विश्व-मनोभिरामः - the captivator of the entire universe's mind; इति स्म सर्वाः - thus indeed all of them; कलिता-अभिमानाः - full of pride; निरीक्ष्य - seeing (them thus); गोविंद् - O Govind!; तिरोहितः-अभूः - (Thou) disappeared;
This Krishna the Consort of Laxmi and the captivator of the minds of the whole world, is engrossed in me.' Full of pride, all of them indeed thought thus. O Govinda! Being aware of this, Thou disappeared from their midst.
राधाभिधां तावदजातगर्वामतिप्रियां गोपवधूं मुरारे ।
भवानुपादाय गतो विदूरं तया सह स्वैरविहारकारी ॥3॥
राधा-अभिधां - Raadhaa named; तावत् - till then; अजात-गर्वाम्- - (who) did not rear pride; अति-प्रियां - very dear; गोपवधूम् - the Gopikaa; मुरारे - O Slayer of Mura!; भवान्-उपादाय - Thou taking her along; गतः विदूरं - went far away; तया सह - with her; स्वैर-विहार-कारी - at will sporting (with her);
O Slayer of Mura! One of the Gopikaas, Raadhaa by name, till then had reared no pride. Thou took her along with Thee far away and sported with her at will.
तिरोहितेऽथ त्वयि जाततापाः समं समेताः कमलायताक्ष्यः ।
वने वने त्वां परिमार्गयंत्यो विषादमापुर्भगवन्नपारम् ॥4॥
तिरोहिते- - disappeared; अथ त्वयि - then (when) Thou; जात-तापाः - full of suffering; समं समेताः - together coming; कमलायत-आक्ष्यः - the lotus eyed ones; वने वने त्वां - in the various forests, Thee; परिमार्गयंत्यः - looking for; विषादम्-आपुः- - great grief felt; भगवन्- - O Lord!; अपारम् - intense;
O Lord! When Thou disappeared, the lotus eyed damsels, full of suffering the pangs of separation gathered together, looking around for Thee in the various forests from place to place in intense and utmost grief.
हा चूत हा चंपक कर्णिकार हा मल्लिके मालति बालवल्यः ।
किं वीक्षितो नो हृदयैकचोरः इत्यादि तास्त्वत्प्रवणा विलेपुः ॥5॥
हा चूत - O mango; हा चंपक - O champaka; कर्णिकार - Karnikaara; हा मल्लिके - O Mallika; मालति - Maalati; बालवल्यः - O tender creepers; किं वीक्षितः - what has been seen (by you all); नः-हृदय-एक-चोरः - our hearts' the one stealer; इति-आदि ताः- - thus etc they; त्वत्-प्रवणाः - to Thee totally devoted; विलेपुः - lamented;
" O mango, O champaka, O Karnikaar, O Mallika, O maalati, O tender creepers! Did you see the one who has stolen our hearts?' Thus the totally devoted ones asked the fruit and flower trees and lamented.
निरीक्षितोऽयं सखि पंकजाक्षः पुरो ममेत्याकुलमालपंती ।
त्वां भावनाचक्षुषि वीक्ष्य काचित्तापं सखीनां द्विगुणीचकार ॥6॥
निरीक्षितः- - is seen; अयं सखि - this, O friend; पंकजाक्षः - lotus eyed one (Krishna); पुरः मम-इति- - in front of me, thus; आकुलम्- - excitedly; आलपंती - saying; त्वां - Thee; भावना-चक्षुषि - (in) imaginative vision (eyes); वीक्ष्य काचित् - seeing, some (women); तापं सखीनां - sufferings of the friends; द्विगुणी-चकार - double made;
O Friend! This lotus eyed Krishna, I see before me,' excitedly declared one of the Gopikas, seeing Thee with her imaginative vision. This only doubled the sufferings of her friends.
त्वदात्मिकास्ता यमुनातटांते तवानुचक्रुः किल चेष्टितानि ।
विचित्य भूयोऽपि तथैव मानात्त्वया विमुक्तां ददृशुश्च राधाम् ॥7॥
त्वत्-आत्मिकाः-ता - with Thee identified, they; यमुना-तट-अंते - on the banks of the Yamunaa; तव-अनुचक्रुः - Thy imitated; किल चेष्टितानि - indeed (Thy) deeds; विचित्य - searching; भूयः-अपि - all over again; तथा-एव मानात्- - and also because of pride; त्वया विमुक्तां - from Thee separated; ददृशुः-च - (they) saw and; राधाम् - Raadhaa;
They had completely identified themselves with Thee. So, on the banks of the Yamunaa river they enacted and imitated Thy deeds. They went about searching for Thee all over again and they saw Raadhaa who was also separated from Thee because of pride.
ततः समं ता विपिने समंतात्तमोवतारावधि मार्गयंत्यः ।
पुनर्विमिश्रा यमुनातटांते भृशं विलेपुश्च जगुर्गुणांस्ते ॥8॥
ततः समं ताः - then together all of them; विपिने समंतात्- - in the forest from end to end; तमोवतार-अवधि - till the darkness descending; मार्गयंत्यः - searching; पुनः-विमिश्रा - again coming together; यमुना-तट-अंते - on the banks of the Yamunaa; भृशं विलेपुः- - intensely lamented; च जगुः- - and sang; गुणान्-ते - Thy glories;
Together all of them went searching for Thee from end to end in the forest till it was dark. Again coming together on the banks of Yamunaa, they intensely lamented and spoke to each other about Thy glories and excellences.
तथा व्यथासंकुलमानसानां व्रजांगनानां करुणैकसिंधो ।
जगत्त्रयीमोहनमोहनात्मा त्वं प्रादुरासीरयि मंदहासी ॥9॥
तथा व्यथा-संकुल- - thus pain overcome; मानसानाम् - minded; व्रजांगनानाम् - of the Vraja women; करुणैकसिंधो - O Thou the ocean of mercy!; जगत्-त्रयी-मोहन- - the infatuator of the three world's Cupid; मोहन-आत्मा - (Thee) his captivator; त्वं - Thee; प्रादुः-आसीः- - appeared in front; अयि - O Thou; मंदहासी - smiling softly;
O ocean of mercy! O charmer of Cupid who charms the three worlds! Thou then appeared smiling softly in front of the Vraja women whose minds were overcome by grief and pain.
संदिग्धसंदर्शनमात्मकांतं त्वां वीक्ष्य तन्व्यः सहसा तदानीम् ।
किं किं न चक्रुः प्रमदातिभारात् स त्वं गदात् पालय मारुतेश ॥10॥
संदिग्ध- - doubtful of; संदर्शनम्- - seeing (meeting) Thee; आत्म-कांतम् - their own beloved; त्वां वीक्ष्य - Thee seeing; तन्व्यः सहसा - the damsels suddenly; तदानीम् - then; किं किम् - what what; न चक्रुः - not did; प्रमद-अति-भारात् - by intense joyful state; स त्वम् - that such Thou; गदात् पालय - from misery save me; मारुतेश - O Lord of Guruvaayur;
The beautiful women who were doubtful of seeing Thee, when they suddenly saw their own beloved in front, in what all ways did they not show their intensity of joy? That Thou O Lord of Guruvaayur! Save me from misery.
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